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The Alifros Calendar


The twelve months of the Western Solar Year are

  • Halar, Fuinar, Sultandre (the spring months)

  • Vaqrin, Ilqrin, Modoli (summer)

  • Teala, Freala, Norn (autumn)

  • Umbrin, Ilbrin, and Modobrin (winter)


Each month has exactly 30 days. New Year’s Day is the first day of spring (1 Halar). Once every 17 years, a four-day Baalfürun (“Carnival of Madness”) precedes the New Year. These four days are not part of any month.



Key dates in the history of Northwest Alifros (Spoilers!)


-1231                            Old Faith born when Mäsithe of Ullum builds the Black Casket


-1228                            Fall of Bectura, last of the Amber Kings


-501                              Shattering of the Black Casket


-500 – -489                  The Worldstorm rages throughout Alifros; most societies collapse; the Lost Age begins


-493                              Death of Sathek, Great Famine in the Mzithrin


-481                              Worldstorm ends


-220                              Erithusmé enters the ice cave of Nohirin, becomes the greatest mage in Alifros


-167                              Lost Age ends with the defeat of Hurgasc the Torturer in Caral Tsom.


1                                  Rinfaith born when the Ninety Rules are collected in a single tome.

                                    Empire of Arqual proclaimed after Battle

                                    of Ipulia. Shards of the Black Casket recovered and placed

                                    in the Towers of the Kings; birth of the Mzithrin Pentarchy


343 – 359                     Brushfire Wars (Ipulia/Utrej Vs. Mzithrin)  


440                               Abduction of the ixchel by men of the Bali Adro


512 - 516                     Chereste Highlands War (Arqual Vs. Mzithrin)


755                               Magad I crowned Emperor of Arqual  Year of Regicides in Dremland, Westfirth, Opalt, etc.


839                               The thirteenth edition of The Merchant’s Polylex published in Etherhorde


860 – 867                     First Sea War (Arqual Vs. Mzithrin)


883 – 887                     War of the Tsördon Mountains (Arqual Vs. Mzithrin)


888 – 889                     Sugar War in the Nelu Rekere (Arqual Vs. South Isles Alliance)


892 – 901                     Second Sea War (Arqual Vs  Mzithrin). Rise of the Shaggat

                                    Ness and the Heresy of Gurishal; civil war cripples the Mzithrin.

                                    The Shaggat, defeated, flees east. His ship the Lythra sunk by

                                    Arquali Navy off the Haunted Coast, ending both wars

913                               Magad V crowned Emperor of Arqual after strange death of Magad IV


925                               Pazel Pathkendle born to Gregory and Suthinia Sadralin

                                    Pathkendle; Thasha Isiq born to Eberzam and Clorisuela Isiq;

                                    Clorisuela dies six days after childbirth, plummeting from a balcony


932                               Eberzam Isiq puts down rebellion on Ibithraed, returns to find

                                    Syrarys delivered as a gift from Magad V


933                               Assassination of Ulmurqat, one of the five Mzithrin Kings, nearly

                                    triggers a fourth war between the empires


936                               “Rescue” (invasion) of Ormael. Pazel Pathkendle made a prisoner of Arqual


941                               Chathrand launched from Etherhorde.  7 Teala chosen as date for

                                    signing of the Treaty of Simja and the start of the Great Peace

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