Robert V.S. Redick
Awards Eligibility: Fantasy Works Published in 2021
Robert V.S. Redick
I have two awards-eligible publications for 2021:
• Sidewinders, a fantasy novel, published by Talos on July 4, 2021.
More information & praise for Sidewinders
• Vanishing Point, an 12,576 word novella or novellete, published May 2021
in Clarkesworld.
(The award category for Vanishing Point depends on length criteria: it is a novella for the purposes of the World Fantasy Award, which lacks a novellete category. It’s a novelette for the purposes of the Nebula and Hugo Awards.)
And while we’re talking awards, here’s some unsolicited advice: awards can be wonderful boosts for emerging writers, and come about thanks to a lot of hard volunteer work. We should recognize that labor and be thankful for it. We should celebrate (and read!) the winners. But please don’t chain your sense of self-worth as a writer to winning one. Write for the love of it, first and last. Challenge yourself to do the very best you can for the satisfaction of having done your best. That’s all you can control.
“When you’ve done you’re best, you’ll know it,” my grandfather used to say. So far, in my experience, he’s been right. The items above are the best of which I’m capable. Vanishing Point took me ten years to write. Sidewinders took three but almost killed me—and it’s my best-reviewed novel to date.