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Letter to My Readers: The Fire Sacraments, Book III


Been wanting to write a short letter to my readers for a while now. At last I seem to have the calm and clarity of mind to pull it off.

First of all, I cherish you, and thank you for the countless messages of support—and the purchases—that have made this strange, bookish epic passion project of mine viable through all the ups and downs of recent years.

Out of respect for you, I also want to be transparent about my progress. Bad news first: Book III, Siege, is not finished yet. For reasons I only partly comprehend, the first third of the draft was an astonishing struggle.

Contributing factors are easy to point to—health issues, pandemic cabin-fever, a kind of paralyzing dread about the state of the world. But the overall problem’s still elusive. For some months in late 2021, I just felt wrecked. Not blocked, thank the Gods. I’ve never once felt blocked as a writer; there’s always story enough in my mind for ten times the page count I envision. The hard times for me are more like a river overflowing its banks. Knocking out bridges. Wiping towns off the map.

The good news: I’m moving A LOT faster now. And more importantly, it’s all coming together. If you’ve ever worked on a project of great challenge and complexity, perhaps you know that feeling: agonizing effort becomes ecstatic effort, and no matter how exhausted you are, there’s a certain glide to your step.

That feeling is back. Book III feels like it’s growing into exactly the sort of grand, symphonic conclusion I’ve always dreamed it would be.

I won’t speculate on a pub date just yet; some guesses are too foolish to hazard. I’ll just repeat the promise I always make to myself and my readers alike. I am swinging for the fences, for a book and a trilogy worthy of your patience and your investment, for a story that will endure in your imagination and your heart.

Love, peace, gratitude—




Andrew Reckles
Andrew Reckles
Nov 27, 2022

Thanks so much. The Chatrand series is one of the best series I've ever read, so, you had a lot to live up to with this series...that said, I've had an absolute blast reading it, but I've enjoyed listening to it even more. The Audio Books are stellar. Can't wait for the finale'. I have no doubt it will be legendary.

Jun 10, 2023
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Hi Andrew,

Thanks very much for your kind message. Things are a lot better than this time a year ago! But I’m afraid I’m still writing SIEGE, so realistically it won’t be on the shelves in 2023. Tendonitis in both wrists hasn’t helped. But physical therapists are angels, and that too seems to be passing. I’ll post more as soon as I have something to report. But the book’s going gangbusters; that’s the good news. It’s going to be pretty huge.

I truly appreciate you checking in!

With best wishes,



Mike O
Mike O
Oct 03, 2022

Mr. Redick,

I can't imagine what you're going through. Some, if not all, of the contributing factors you list continue to fester. Your books are a wonderful escape for me, but I'm sorry to hear what you've been going through during their creation.

Thank you for your dedication and sharing a bridge to, if not better times, at least times removed from our own.

Oct 04, 2022
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Thank you so much, Mike (and do call me Robert). I'm happy & honored that you find joy in my stories. Our own world is indeed so troubled, as you allude to. I guess it's a good thing that I can't set all the emotions that come with that aside when writing fantasy, even when trying to craft visions that point the way to hope. Nobody benefits long from mere mindless hope--or for that matter, from hopelessness. Complex hope, perhaps, is the recipe I'm always trying to perfect. :) Thanks for writing. Back to work!


Colin Blackburn
Colin Blackburn
Aug 07, 2022

love your books, waiting for the next one but your health and sanity comes first

yours sincerely

colin blackburn

Aug 07, 2022
Replying to

Thank you so much, Colin! Means a lot to me. Take good care & stay in touch--rob

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